Friday, December 27, 2019

Borrow a clue from Barack Obama and Denzel Washington , you can now commission the ,FRAMING,ARCHIVING,SHARING of your ' Memorable Newspaper/Magazine Clippings' , for posterity.

Borrow a clue from Barack Obama and Denzel Washington , you can now commission the ,FRAMING,ARCHIVING,SHARING of your ' Memorable Newspaper/Magazine Clippings' , for posterity. In the next 2000yrs, it become priceless to unborn generation.

If you have appeared on the cover of [Time,Forbes,People,Billboard,GQ,Ebony,Ovation,Vanity Fair ,Hollywood Reporter etc] you are eligible

Denzel Washington Autographed Framed Vanity Fair Magazine Page (JSA)


Denzel Washington Autographed Framed Vanity Fair Magazine Page. Signed in blue sharpie across the front of the photo. Authenticity is provided by James Spence, Cert #U17736. Comes fully certified with Certificate of Authenticity and tamper-evident hologram. Also backed by's Authenticity Guarantee.

Image result for newspage frame photos in pictures

Image result for forbes cover in pictures

Thursday, December 19, 2019

NewspagePR & Branding

we are into NewspagePR & Branding.
Like Barack Obama,Oprah Winfrey,Tiger Woods, you can commission the 'broadcasting' of your memorable Press clippings all over the world via social media network.
Newspaper/Magazine clips visual display & sharing is the latest trend in persanal branding and Public Relation.
      [We can work for you for a minimum period of one year]

Clients Projects.
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Thursday, November 7, 2019

Pressclips Album

LIKE ANTHONY JOSHUA, You can commission a platform to curate, preserve, share your  Newspaper/Magazine/Video  clippings Album in one stop shop.
It will be most exciting building a memorable Pressclips album for yourself.It make brand sense and boost your likability ratings the world over.
Yes we can work for you.
CURATING&SHARING your E-Newspaper clippings is the latest trend on Personal Branding and PR


Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Nigerian Tribune Newspaper at 70,

Framed/Laminated 1st Edition cover page now on sale.
$70 plus DHL shippment anywhere in the world
  call/SMS 08030485016

Image result for nigerian tribune first edition 16 nov.1949  in pictures

Image result for jeff nkwocha in pictures

Price tag $2k plus shippment.

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Image result for man in the moon newspage frame photos in pictures

Monday, November 4, 2019

Frame President Buhari newspaper clipping for posterity.


Inspire by Obama,we want to frame President Buhari newspaper clip for posterity. In the next 2000yrs it become priceless treasure to unborm generation.Project open to sponsorship. Access bank 0021031321

Saturday, November 2, 2019

NewsPage Photo Framing

SpaceNews REWIND | A 2003 interview with Elon “The Six Million Dollar Man” Musk by Brian Berger — August 29, 2016 As SpaceX prepares to conduct its 34th launch since Falcon 1’s inauspicious 2006 debut, it’s worth looking back to an interview a then 31-year-old Elon Musk did with SpaceNews at the 2003 National Space Symposium in Colorado Springs. SpaceX was still three years away from its first launch attempt when Musk sat down to discuss his lofty ambitions for his fledgling 22-person company. Profile | The Six Million Dollar Man Elon Musk, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Space Exploration Technologies May 12, 2003 — Elon Musk is not the first person to think he can build a rocket cheaper than the big companies and change the economics of putting payloads on orbit. Musk Six Million Dollar Man SpaceNews Profile 2003 The way to low Earth orbit is littered with start up ventures that could never quite raise enough money to get their low-cost launchers off the drawing boards and into space. So why should Musk be any different? Like Dallas banker Andrew Beal, Musk is financing his rocket venture out of his own pocket. Unlike Beal, who burned through millions of dollars trying to build a heavy launcher for a heavily saturated segment of the market, Musk is attempting to enter the business at the point of least resistance by providing $6 million launches for the largely neglected small satellite community. It is a depressed market that, by his own reckoning, will net maybe three to five launches a year. But Musk also views it as a largely uncontested proving ground that will allow his company, Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX), to show that it can build a reliable, low-cost rocket before moving on to a more ambitions launch vehicle development effort requiring outside financing. With parts of the rocket in production throughout the United States and the engine in testing, Musk expects the Falcon to be ready to go by the end of the year. “Our holy grail? I don’t want to sound as though we have absurd aspirations, but we would love to build Saturn 6.” It is a compact schedule given that Musk founded SpaceX only last year, but it is on par with the 31-year-old’s previous ventures. The South African native is a two-time winner of the Gold Rush, having built and sold two successfirl businesses — Zip2 and PayPal — in the space of six yeaxs. Musk recently discussed his ambitions and motivations with Space News editor Lon Rains and staff writer Brian Berger. Q. What ls the size of the market for the Falcon? A. There is a secondary payload market out there that is underserved. It’s not gigantic, but I think people underestimate it. By the end of next year we will do at least two launches and maybe three. Once people start to respond to the Falcon, three or four years down the road we are doing probably five launches a year. There are a lot of secondary payloads out there that fly jammed onto the Ariane secondary ring. My suspicion is that even if we cost a little bit more, the Falcon is going to offer a huge advantage to people with small payloads, especially since most of them want to go to low Earth orbit instead of geosynchronous transfer orbit. Q. Why do you think you wlll be able to avoid the cost and expense that afflicts all other U.S. rocket programs? A. I don’t know how those companies work. My approach is to have a very high signal to noise ratio, meaning the number of people who are actually contributing to the development of the rocket vs. managing or pushing paper is very high. Q. What do you think of the tourism market? A. It’s hard to say. I don’t really know about the market for suborbital tourist launches. I can only think about what I would do. I might spend $100,000 on a suborbital flight, but I don’t know how you would offer a flight for that amount of money. Now if you take people to orbit, to a private station or the international space station, I think you could charge a lot of money for that. I would be willing to pay $5 million for something like that and I can think of some friends of mine who would probably do the same. But you can’t go through this six-month training stuff. If you could make it a two-week training process and $5 million, I know a lot of people who would sign up. Q. What is your long-term goal for this business? A. Our holy grail? I don’t want to sound as though we have absurd aspirations, but we would love to build Saturn 6. If it ever comes to the point where we want to go beyond Earth orbit, we will need a heavy lift vehicle like the old Saturn rockets and we would like to build it at a cost that the American taxpayer would find palatable. We want to prove ourselves first with the Falcon and its follow-on, a three-stage geostationary Earth orbit launcher. Location Options Q. Are you employing a different flnancial management strategy with SpaceX than you did with your Internet ventures? A. Keep in mind that PayPal went public after the crash, not before it. There were all sorts of terrible excesses in the era but PayPal did not succumb to those. We were initially quite aggressive in customer acquisition in order to achieve critical mass before eBay launched their own product. Once we achieved critical mass, we were extremely vigilant about costs. With the rocket business, what’s important is closing the business case. The only way we are going to do that is by being extremely vigilant on costs. Once we close the business case on Falcon. I expect to go out and seek $50 million to $100 million to build the bigger vehicle. Q. Before deciding to build Falcon, did you consider financing an existing venture like Kistler? A. I looked at Kistler. Their strategy requires an enormous amount of money. I don’t think I have the resources to push them over the top, frankly. And I don’t agree with launching from Australia. The biggest advantage any U.S. launch company has is access to the U.S. government as a customer. Not taking advantage of that is a really big mistake. Q. Who is watching your back in Congress, the Pentagon and NASA headquarters? A. We do plan to establish a significant Washington presence. We’re interviewing people right now. If somebody tries any dirty tricks, we want to shine a bright light on that. Q. Has SpaceX received any buyout offers? A. We have not been approached by anyone. We’re not trying to flip the company for a quick buck. We really want to see if we can do some good by bringing down the cost of American access to space. If there were an arrangement with a big company that would allow that goal to succeed, sure, let’s talk. But if the goal would be to acquire us and then shut us down, that would be a non-starter. Q. You flipped Zip2 and PayPal. ls there a different motive behind SpaceX? A. Actually, no. It’s always been the same motivation. I wanted to be involved in something that has an outside chance of doing some good. If there is not something meaningful in what you are doing above and beyond any commercial returns, then I think life is a bit hollow. SpaceX at-a-glance Founded: June 2002 Location: El Segundo, Calif. Employees: 22 with 35 expected by the launcher’s debut Falcon LV’s price per launch: $6 million Projected development cost: $100 million Target Performance: 450 kilograms to low Earth orbit (100 nautical miles, 28.5 degrees) Launch pad: Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., Pad 3 West Main Engine: Turbo pump-fed Lox-Kerosene
Borrow a clue from Obama, you can now commission the
SHARING,FRAMING,ARCHIVING your ' Memorable Newspage Clippings' ,MNC
 for posterity.


Image result for jeff nkwocha in pictures

Price tag $2k plus shippment.


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Image result for man in the moon newspage frame photos in pictures

Denzel Washington Autographed Framed Vanity Fair Magazine Page (JSA)


Denzel Washington Autographed Framed Vanity Fair Magazine Page. Signed in blue sharpie across the front of the photo. Authenticity is provided by James Spence, Cert #U17736. Comes fully certified with Certificate of Authenticity and tamper-evident hologram. Also backed by's Authenticity Guarantee.